Friday, 29 March 2013

BTS & towet

The pattern of cellular telecommunication facilities management and in particular BTS Tower, gradually changed from initially handled by the service provider moves to the tower. Sooner or later it will continue to run the process in light of government regulations on the use of tower shared by multiple operators (colocation services). Schedule and Cost and registration form here.These developments have opened up such opportunities in the form of "outsourcing" jobs BTS maintenance and Tower. Facilities maintenance work will take place on a continuous basis so that the operation of the device and the network can run well in the end to give satisfaction to the customer.
The training is designed to provide knowledge about the mechanisms and procedures for routine maintenance of existing telecommunications equipment at a BTS site, including the tower and its supporting facilities such as the physical components of their environment.
Training Goals and Objectives
The training is expected to provide knowledge to the participants about the maintenance procedures and be able to carry out maintenance activities both preventative and corrective against telecommunications equipment and supporting facilities that exist within the BTS.

· Introduction to the existing telecom BTS environment includes (1) Cellular Radio (antenna, feeder, BTS), (2) Transmission: antenna, feeder / wave guide, radio mux, mux fiber, (3) Power: PLN connection, Genset , Battery, Grounding protection, (4) Aircon / climate control: Aircon, de-humidifier, (5) Environment sensors: Fire Alarm & Protection, Access protection, high temperature protection, (6) Tower: lightning protection, structure / type, light tower, (7) Shelter, (8) Fence, Yard, Room: Security and Access ..
1.        · Procedures maintenance and repair of telecommunications equipment and supporting facilities that exist within the BTS.
2.        · A description of the relationship and the limits on liability (responsibility matrix) the parties in the field of maintenance including the handling of network devices such as repeaters, microwave radio, and so on.
3.        · Simulation and explanation of BTS maintenance activities include: (1) preventive maintenance, (2) corrective maintenance, (3) repotting and (4) typical of the problems in the BTS.
4.        · Discussion of Tower Maintenance which includes Visual Inspection, Tension Reading, Measurement of Tower plumb and frequency of maintenance.
5.        · Explanation Sample of Forms (preventive check, trouble ticket, corrective action, normal work request and work additional request.
6.        · Site Collocation (Concept of collocation and What's different for O & M)
Training Methods
The method used in this training is in the form of presentations, case simulations, discussions and question and answer.Completeness and Training Materials
· Training material in the form of a photo copy paper
· Stationery and blocknote
· Certificate of participants
· Lunch and coffee break
Target Training Participants

Trainees can come from supervisors and staff tower providers, operators, contractors occupations cellular network, or an individual who has a background of Mechanical engineering, Electrical and Electronics or perminat BTS maintenance field and Tower.

Wednesday, 27 March 2013



By upgrading to EDGE (Enhanced Data Rates for Global Evolution)-Effectively you can triple the cost of data capacity of your GSM / GPRS network, paving the way for advanced data services anywhere, anytime.

EDGE Enables you to offer fast, quality mobile internet access in areas not reached by WCDMA / HSPA signals. Building on GSM technology, EDGE also helps you capture new users by allowing the usage of inexpensive mobile phones, leveraging the huge second-hand GSM-phone base,

EDGE is a low-risk investment for mobile operators wanting to get the most from their GSM networks. It more than triples the capacity of the data GSM / GPRS networks, making it possible to:

    Provide high-speed mobile internet services over existing infrastructure
    Increase individual user data rates
    Free up capacity for voice traffic still-expanding

Using the Ericsson EDGE solution, most operators can upgrade their networks with EDGE simply by activating an optional feature.

In addition to basic functionality EDGE, the EDGE Performance Package provides easy-to-activate the software features that further enhance performance, Including services such as mobile TV and music downloads normally only delivered over WCDMA / HSPA networks.

The majority of today's GSM / GPRS operators have already begun upgrading to EDGE, driven primarily by the need for fast internet access in emerging markets. Other operators are expanding their EDGE networks as an important complement to WCDMA / HSPA and future LTE networks.
EDGE Evolution - The next step

We are committed to driving Standardization and Industrialization of EDGE, and its next incarnation, EDGE Evolution - a series of technical improvements that bring peak data rates up to 1Mbps and boost data network capacity threefold.

EDGE Evolution can be is implemented through a software upgrade of existing Ericsson EDGE networks, maximizing the lifetime of the investments made in GSM / EDGE equipment.


With high-speed, high-capacity mobile broadband possible through our WCDMA / HSPA offering, you can cost-Effectively meet user demand for advanced internet services anywhere, anytime.

Our WCDMA / HSPA offering is the backbone of true mobile broadband services. Part of our Full-Service Broadband offering, the ADSL-like speeds of data of WCDMA / HSPA allow service providers to deliver a true broadband experience to any device, anywhere, anytime.

Key characteristics of our WCDMA / HSPA Mobile Broadband offering for include:

    Support for up to 42Mbps on the downlink and 5.8 Mbps on the uplink
    Superior radio performance with a comprehensive RBS portfolio for optimized coverage and capacity
    Excellent in-service-performance built on a scalable and future-proof 3G platforms
    A clear evolution path to HSPA Evolution, roomates will provide speeds of more than 84 Mbps on the downlink and more than 12 Mbps on the uplink

Building on today's WCDMA / GSM networks, and with Hundreds of HSPA-enabled devices on the market, HSPA is an effective way to Quickly and cost-Effectively meet mass market demand for Mobile Broadband.

Through HSPA, you can provide high-performance, interactive services to an enormous subscriber base, anywhere and at any time, stimulating greater usage and loyalty among existing customers while attracting new ones, and generating new revenue streams.

RBS producto

Nuestra familia RBS 2000 ofrece soluciones para prácticamente todas las necesidades. Se caracteriza por su excelente rendimiento, de pequeño tamaño y uso flexible.Importantes nuevas mejoras funcionales como EDGE y AMR es posible introducir con un impacto mínimo. La 
RBS 2000 la familia se compone de dos versiones de RBS exteriores e interiores, así como Micro RBS y principal remoto.La amplia gama RBS 2000 la familia de estaciones base de radio con rendimiento de radio superior y características únicas ofrece una cobertura económica y la capacidad de las zonas urbanas a las zonas rurales, así como para aplicaciones de radio dentro de edificios.RBS 3000 - Acelerar el Crecimiento de banda anchaPara capturar la oportunidad de crecimiento de la banda ancha móvil, las redes 3G deben ofrecer servicios enriquecidos con mayor movilidad, manteniendo precios competitivos.RBS de Ericsson serie 3000 cumple con estos desafíos. Rendimiento de radio superior de Ericsson, configuración de red dinámica, bajo consumo de energía, operación simplificada y mantenimiento del sitio y una vía de evolución sin problemas son factores clave para bajar los gastos de capital (CAPEX) y los gastos operativos (OPEX).La RBS 3000 familia de estaciones base WCDMA satisface todas las necesidades de banda ancha móvil, hoy y mañana.
RBS 6000 - Poseer el futuroLa RBS 6000 es un no-compromiso, la energía eficiente solución de sitio compacto que soporta GSM / EDGE, WCDMA / HSPA y LTE en un solo paquete.El 6000 RBS está construida con un estado de la tecnología más avanzada y al mismo tiempo proporciona la compatibilidad hacia atrás con la exitosa RBS RBS 2000 y 3000 las líneas de productos.Las estaciones base son entregados desde 2001 LTE capaces. Llamamos a esto una evolución revolucionaria.
Como estación base multi-estándar, la RBS 6000 ofrece muchas opciones que hacen que las opciones más sencilla ya que proporciona una mayor libertad de elección.Rentable despliegue y desarrollo de nuevos servicios de alta velocidad de banda ancha móvil, TV móvil y aplicaciones web requiere una solución inteligente que proporciona un salto de rendimiento.La familia RBS 6000 no sólo garantiza una transición sin problemas a la nueva tecnología y la funcionalidad minimizar OPEX, sino que también reduce el impacto ambiental.


 Perangkat Rbs Ericsson
Ericsson telah meluncurkan sebuah model bisnis baru untuk generasi baru 6000 base station RBS. Sebuah model, sangat fleksibel canggih memungkinkan operator untuk mengaktifkan kapasitas tambahan dan fungsionalitas yang diperlukan melalui tombol aktivasi.
Base station multi-standar, berkapasitas tinggi, Ericsson RBS 6000 adalah setia produk pertama dengan konsep Evo RAN jaringan radio akses hanya mendukung GSM, WCDMA dan LTE. Ulf Ewaldsson, Radio Solutions Manager dalam jaringan cabang, mengatakan: "Keberhasilan komersial base station 6000 RBS Ericsson sangat penting. Harapan kami adalah bahwa kunci aktivasi akan menjadi sumber pendapatan penting di daerah ini. Alih-alih membeli semua kapasitas perangkat keras dari awal, operator hanya akan membayar untuk kapasitas yang mereka segera bermanfaat, dengan kemungkinan untuk membuka lebih sebagai dan ketika mereka membutuhkannya. "
Ulf Ewaldsson percaya bahwa kunci aktivasi ini dengan manfaatnya bagi operator akan mengurangi biaya operasional (opex) dan belanja modal (capex). Ini berkat manfaat sebagai berikut disediakan oleh RBS 6000 Model baru:

Jauh Aktivasi: upgrade tidak memerlukan di tempat.
Pembayaran fleksibilitas: operator tidak harus membayar di muka karena hanya membayar ketika ekspansi kapasitas.
Penambahan kapasitas Segera: upgrade dilakukan tanpa gangguan layanan.
Pak Ewaldsson juga menekankan fakta bahwa kunci aktivasi jatuh sejalan dengan ambisi Ericsson dalam hal pembangunan berkelanjutan karena mereka mengurangi kebutuhan untuk peralatan transportasi. Kebetulan, seri 6000 RBS juga memungkinkan situs migrasi yang mulus dan peralatan yang ada untuk fitur baru dan teknologi, menjamin keberlanjutan pendapatan dan keuntungan.
Tujuan utama desain dari seri 6000 RBS telah memikirkan kembali Makanan dan terintegrasi ke dalam sistem. Dengan ini daya yang cerdas, sekarang mungkin untuk memberikan daya pada permintaan untuk membatasi untuk apa yang benar-benar diperlukan dan untuk mempertahankan dan energi untuk minimum.
Upaya juga dicari kesederhanaan dengan lemari baru komponen serbaguna sepenuhnya kompatibel, desain modular dan integrasi tingkat tinggi. Banyak fitur yang memungkinkan Anda untuk mengelompokkan semua fitur dan kapasitas infrastruktur dalam ukuran lemari. Akhirnya, kekuatan batas, dan tidak sedikit, semua base station 6000 RBS yang kompatibel dengan teknologi radio banyak seperti GSM, WCDMA dan LTE.

dari kita para pemanjat tower